Installs the MintableERC1155 module on a core contract.
import { MintableERC1155 } from "thirdweb/modules"; const transaction = MintableERC1155.install({ contract: coreContract, account: account, params: { primarySaleRecipient: ..., },}); await sendTransaction({ transaction, account,});
function install(options: { account: Account; contract: Readonly; params: EncodeBytesOnInstallParams & { publisher?: string };}): PreparedTransaction;
let options: { account: Account; contract: Readonly; params: EncodeBytesOnInstallParams & { publisher?: string };};
let returnType: Readonly<options> & { __contract?: ThirdwebContract<abi>; __preparedMethod?: () => Promise<PreparedMethod<abiFn>>;};
the transaction to install the module